Wednesday, 18 June 2014

August Courses with Karen

Hiya Everyone,

I have a desk and computer full of Ruskin lace stuff to post - please be patient!!! I'm actually working on Ruskin for a change!

Anywhoo - wanted to make sure I told you that Karen Quickfall has some Ruskin Lace Summer School courses at Cedar Farm ( going on in August.

The dates are Wednesday, Thursday, 13th & 14th August 2014.

The cost is 50.00 gbp for the two days with tea, coffee and biscuits provided (yay!). Everyone is going to have lunch in the cafe as usual.

Bookings are now being taken - so just get on it!

:) Misha

Monday, 3 February 2014

Ruskin Courses with Karen Quickfall

Hiya Folks,

A recent email from Karen states about new dates for 2014:

26th February - 9th April
23rd April - 21st May
11th June - 16th July

These are the Wednesday afternoon classes at Cedar Farm.

She's hoping to confirm some summer school dates - stay tuned.

Also, she has a Ruskin Lace course going at Tullie House in Carlisle on the 15th & 16th February (I'm going!!!)....check their website if interested.

She's got more courses going at Higham Hall, also.

I just checked and over 11,000 people have seen this blog! Shocking!!!!

:) Misha